This is my response to the Ragtag Daily Prompt of Thursday, 19 July 2018 — Welcome.

Dear Readers, I want to thank you all for the get well wishes you sent me when I last posted.  They were much appreciated and I apologise for not responding individually to your comments.

This flu really sucks big time.  I had to hit the asthma meds really hard.  Yesterday I started a course of antibiotics for the associated respiratory infection, and it may be just a placebo effect, but I feel I can breathe a little easier now.  I was also able to stay awake for a few hours today and had my first coffee in five days, so I rate that as an improvement.

But enough of such doom and gloom.  Here is a photo of Mr or Ms Willy Wagtail on my back fence.


I would normally welcome such visitors, but it keeps flying into the dog yard.  I think it may be after dog hair for nesting material, or maybe it has a death wish.  I keep telling it that dog hair is not good for little birds because the hair can get caught around their claws.  This has happened to my canary and it required a visit to the vet to free the claw.  I shall have to clean up the more obvious drifts of hair accumulating outside.

Comments welcome.  Can’t find the Comments Section?  Keep scrolling.

Kind Regards




28 thoughts on “Welcome Visitors

  1. Glad to hear you are feeling ready for coffee again Tracy and the wagtail shot is beautiful! Hope you continue to feel better and better! 🙂💖 xxx


  2. Best healing wishes to you, Tracy. Glad the welcome mat has been pulled from the flu.

    The little bird, we shall see!
    I bet that coffee was welcome–my daily cup is a great pleasure to me.

    Cheers to you!


  3. Onwards and upwards, Tracy. Sounds like you’re making positive progress. I love the Willy wagtails and am hoping one will nest in my garden this spring.


  4. Great to hear you’re better. I had a cough for 9 weeks … took everything without making a difference. I then resorted to apple cider vinegar and honey in hot water twice a day. Viola! in two days, all clear! It was quite remarkable.

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  5. Glad the antibiotics show some effects already, Tracy and that you’ll get better very soon! I also have asthma and when I have the flu or a cough I always have to double my dose. The bird is so lovely and I hope it will soon find some better nesting material soon so you don’t have to clean up your dog yard! Maybe put some wool strands around for it. 😉

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    1. Sorry you are plagued with asthma too, Sarah. It is no fun.

      I think wool fleece might be much the same as the dog fleece (undercoat), as it has a very similar consistency. Birds often use feathers (down) to line their nests. That is possibly a better option.

      Liked by 1 person

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