November in Canberra (Australia) – Paint the town rainbow.

Red and yellow and pink and green
Purple and orange and blue

If only we could wrap a rainbow up in a bow? We can. My gift to you.

Kangaroo Grass (Themeda triandra)

Let’s look at each colour individually (well, sort of), starting with red.


Shades of pink.

Can you see my clumping redanther wallaby grass? To the left of the first photo.


Happy birthday to the marmalade mouse.


And finally, I picked this for you.

Apologies for the delay in posting my November wrap up. I ran out of data. In Canberra, we had a hot, wet and windy November. It made mosaicing difficult. However, I am pleased to report that on this very day, I stuck down my last piece of tile on my ice maiden. Now comes the hard part – the grouting. Groan. You can wait until next month to see that, can’t you? Or maybe at the end of January because no-one will be around in December? Just kidding.

The situation in Australia as far as community transmission of Covid goes, is very positive. There is currently a small outbreak in the state of South Australia. Our friends in Victoria after much hard work (social distancing and staying at home) have not had another case in their state for over a month. We may have other cases as Australians return home and hence there is always a risk that the virus will escape to the community. It is a risk we have to take, provided we continue with appropriate mitigation measures. I know the situation in other countries is very different. I am thinking of you all and hope that you stay safe. Look after yourself and others. Be kind and be careful.

This is my response to The Changing Seasons – November 2020 photo challenge hosted by the lovely Su at Zimmerbitch and also my response to the Lens-Artists Photo Challenge – You Pick It.

Kind Regards.

72 thoughts on “The Changing Seasons – November 2020

  1. A truly wonderful array of nature’s colors Tracy. Good for you Aussies for beating down the virus! Here in the states a much different situation, especially as so many ignored the pleas of our scientists to avoid travel over the holiday weekend. I fear we are in for a very difficult December. Thank you for the beautiful reminder of nature’s gifts.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thank you, Tina. Your theme made it so easy for me to contribute this week. All the thinking (the hard part) had already been done. 🙂 I will pop over to have a look at your beautiful photo art shortly.
      Fingers crossed that the number of infections in your country turns out to be less than anticipated. Perhaps it was mostly people who had already had Covid travelling for Thanksgiving…


  2. This is a beautiful rainbow, Tracy. That first blue is such a delicate one. Lovely. Yup, as Tina says–lots of people did not heed the warnings to stay home and shelter. Now they are being told that if they celebrated in large groups to consider themselves infected and get tested.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, Lois. ❤ Our native Blue Devils (Eryngium ovinumare) are such under-rated plants. It is just starting to come into its colour and will turn a beautiful indigo blue over the next few weeks.
      Hopefully the people travelling in your country are the ones who have already been infected. It is heartbreaking the thousands of people who are ill and in intensive care. Keep safe, my friend.

      Liked by 2 people

  3. Thank you for the rainbow gift Tracy, love all the colours! I’m very happy for Australians that you’ve got the Covid monster beat well before Christmas, now you can all catch your breath and embrace a relatively normal life in the lead-up to Christmas/New Year. Best wishes xx

    Liked by 2 people

    1. You’re welcome, Liz. I’m pleased to be able to share the pretty colours with you.

      Even I have relaxed a bit, so that is saying something. 🙂 NZ too is to be congratulated on its pandemic management response. It makes a huge difference to know that our governments have our backs.

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    1. Thank you, Dries. Yes, productive for me considering I’ve been so sleepy. 🙂 I think I need to get out more though. It will soon become boring for people if I am only taking photos of things in my suburb!
      I hope the Covid situation is not proving too tricky in South Africa, Dries. Take care. At least, we have sunny days ahead, after which hopefully a vaccine will be imminent.


  4. Thanks for the rainbow gift, Tracy. Your photos are very beautiful, as always. Spring has been pretty good this year, except for the last few days. Very hot and windy here and the garden is drying out. How are your four legged friends coping with the heat?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The record temperatures for the state bypassed us, Jane. Still it was hot and windy and exceedingly hot over night. The dogs didn’t like that. We put on our newly installed bedroom aircon for a few hours. The rest of the time we made do with a fan. I was thinking about you copping it. 😦 The latest news is that we had our hottest November on record! Honestly, Jane, summers have become unbearable. Plus, it is too hot for my glue! I hope you managed to stay cool somehow. It will be so good when your shade trees grow.


  5. Love the mix of outside and inside photos Tracy 🙂 First and last photo are favourites. Bit of a stinker here too a couple of over 40’s but at least it’s cool at night.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. It’s pretty good inside our house which is very well insulated and we don’t turn on air con until late in the day. The fans are good enough. Bad luck about your glue. Your mosaics would be a calming thing to do inside in hot weather.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Yay for a cool house. My house stays cool for quite some time but once it warms up, I can’t get the heat out.
        Also, it can barely fit we four people and three dogs, so I mosaic outside under my pergola. It is a nice spot, notwithstanding the mozzies! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  6. That rainbow idea is a good ‘un resulting in a terrific post. Thanks! And good on you all for containing the virus. It’s not the same here. At all. May December continue well for you.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Margaret. I love it when I get a good idea to organise my thoughts, otherwise meandering mess …. 🙂
      I hope we manage to keep things stable too and that December is not too dire for you and your countrymen/women. What a debt we owe to our healthcare workers who must be totally over this by now. Cross fingers that the vaccine companies work overtime this month.

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      1. Hi, Tracy; the garden is all done, although a little parsley and onions seem to be hanging in there! It was not unusual to have the first snow this time, as well as the thawing and freezing going on now. Enjoy your warm season!

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  7. Thank you for bringing me this lovely rainbow. We’ve finally had rain, but it’s come with wind and lots of cold air. The cold I’m loving, but the wind is driving me crazy and damaging all my little plant babies. Still, it’s better than the terrible humidity they’re predicting to come.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Thank you for the gift of nature’s colors! They made me smile, particularly the birds. As others have noted, your country is to be commended for taking responsible measures for curtailing this virulent pandemic.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Liz.
      So far, mostly good pandemic-wise, Liz. We’ve learnt a lot. My TL is on hols this week. We have ventured out a couple of times. It has been nice. We went to a friend’s cafe today. We sat outside. There was plenty of room. They are really working hard to keep their establishment safe for customers and their staff.

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  9. Best gift you could make for this warmth and sun depraved northerners, Tracy! ❤ Love every single photo, the colours and compositions are wonderful. You made this flower power girl very happy today. 😉 And please don’t let us wait until the end of January to see your ice maiden!!! I’d fly to Australia but alas! that stupid pandemic. 😂 Take good care, dear friend! Here comes a little rainbow for you: 💜💚❤💙💛

    Liked by 1 person

  10. And did you brighten my day? Tremendously beautiful array and gift to us all, Tracy! And how great covid is retreating – hopefully not to come back. Warm weather is positive in the beating of it too – which we cannot say here in the north. Cold and damp, that makes it flourish again. Thank you for a glorious treat! ♥

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Beautiful images, Tracy. An uplifting gallery on a gloomy winter morning here in New England! I especially love your first image, the dog, the sunrise, and of course the flower at the end. I am happy that the situation in Oz is better now. We are heading into the worst months, our experts say. Stay well, stay safe and keep taking those gorgeous images!

    Liked by 1 person

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