Do you like my title for this blog post? I like it, but I amuse myself. However that (thinking up pithy blog titles) is about the extent of my creativity in the time of Covid. Consequently, I’ve been thinking a lot about buying a new house – one with two bathrooms; one bathroom for the healthy people and one for the sick people. Not that we have any sick people yet, but you never know …. This (thinking about buying a new house) is what I do when I don’t spend time on my art projects. When I’m in the right frame of mind and the weather permits, fiddling with tiles is my passion. I’ve been inspired by a fellow blogger to be arty this month, so I’ve started the prep for a couple of mosaics.

I quite like to make mosaics of birds. Regular readers will know that I like to photograph birds too. Here is one that I made years ago of a very clownish cockatoo. Its bright yellow crest is exaggerated so that I can see it from my kitchen window. It is a bit worse for wear. Rain and frost have cracked many of the tiles, but it is still quite charming in that shabby bird chic sort of way.

I have plans to make another bird mosaic – a nankeen kestral – and I’ve completed the drawing on the backing board. Here is a photo of the bird that is the model for the drawing. I think I want to bring out the red and lilac tones in the mosaic. We shall see.

I really have been rather devoid of mosaic inspiration, so I have been telling myself to just do something simple. I’ve wanted to make another fairy mosaic for a while now, so I thought that would I have a crack at that. To take the pressure off myself to come up with a design, I pulled out my children’s drawing book on fantasy art. I decided on a chimera and have completed a drawing that I quite like. It is different from the drawing in the book, and it will change again before I’m finished with it. It is important to me that I get the eyes right. She looks sad, don’t you think? The next step in the process is to draw this image on the backing board ready for mosaicing.

Yeah, I know it is not simple. It will keep me occupied and off the internet looking at real estate. Maybe I will be able to start mosaicing next month if the weather warms up. I’m looking forward to spending some quality time in my mosaic studio (aka my backyard).

This is my contribution to the Lens-Artists Weekly Challenge – Creativity in the Time of Covid. This photo challenge is growing in popularity. Check it out.

Kind Regards.

72 thoughts on “Creative Comforts

    1. Thank you, Punam. I love my cockatoo friend.
      Also Corvid Creative Comforts. 🙂 My mind is warping that word now. Heehee.
      I’m hoping I can keep the look once I redraw her face but I’m never very successful at replicating my drawings.


  1. You’ve really tried some interesting things. I don’t know if I could ever complete a mosaic. It would be hard for me to handle all those pieces and make them look like something. But I really like what you’ve created.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Tracy–your bird mosaics are/will be beautiful. The nankeen kestral with that lilac background–it will be gorgeous. The chimera will be a lot of work, won’t she? That should keep you off the real estate sites for a good while. 😉

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Love the very cheerful cockatoo! The kestral is a beautiful bird, and the fairy looks pensive which is certainly reflective of this present point in time! Stay creative, surely one of the best antidotes to being anxiety 🙂 Best wishes Tracy.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Love the cockatoo mosaic. I’ve never done a mosaic, but it actually looks quite hard. Like all creative pursuits, each of us has different talents.

    Look forward to seeing how the kestral mosaic turns out.

    As to amusing yourself to searching for a new home, I find watching Tiny House YouTubes entertaining. I love interior design and with a recent small inheritance could actually afford a tiny house (instead of paying high rent from most of my life). The problem is where to place it in an urban area close to a hospital and the medical assistance that is mandatory to my life.

    While I don’t like spending a lot of time on the computer these days, it is a blessing to have a large screen in the current lockdown in Melbourne.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Vicki. I like mosaics. It is quite a tactlle art, which suits the way my brain works. Mosaics don’t have to be difficult. Their charm is in being bright, cheery and relaxed. I think I am just a frustrated painter, lol. 🙂
      I have been looking at tiny house designs but they seem to be only practical if you’ve got a family member with some excess land. Still it is nice to dream though.
      Thankfully some positive news about infection numbers coming down in Vic.
      Take care. Vicki.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. I love your mosaics. I know you’re very interested in birds. Today I am listening to an (older) episode of Conversations with Richard Fidler. He’s interviewing a woman called Peggy who’s running the Higher Ground Raptor Centre in Bowral. She saves raptors who have been injured or orphaned. I don’t know if you’re aware of this place but it sounds amazing. The show was broadcast on July 8th.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi there and thank you. I hadn’t heard of the Bowral Raptor Center. I will see if I can find the podcast. They do raptor rescues at Healesville Wildlife Sanctuary as well. A number of the injured birds can’t be rehabilitated back to the wild. Many of those appear in the sanctuary’s raptor show. That show is awesome.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. I adore you cockatoo mosaic, Tracy! And I can’t wait for your nankeen kestrel one – red and lilac will work so well!
    And I’m absolutely smitten by your fairy project! She does have a sad air around her but can you blame her? I do believe that most of the time our art reflects our moods so it makes perfect sense that she looks so sad.
    Two bathrooms? I call that a humble wish- I’m looking for an apartment on Mars (preferably with Matt Damon to share 😉).

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, Sarah. I’ve used red and lilac in another mosaic, They did look great together.
      I’m thinking the chimera may need some teary eyes., but you never know what will happen on the day.
      You would get an apartment anywhere with Matt Damon, wouldn’t you? 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You never do, but if you go for teary why not use some glitter for effect? (Okay, I admit it, I’m a girly-girl in that respect 😂)
        And damn right I would! 😉

        Liked by 1 person

  7. The cockatoo is fantastic Tracy!
    The chimera drawing is so full of character, beautifully drawn too. Yes, she is sad looking but that is OK, just as Sarah says. Looking forward to seeing the mosaic.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, Lani. I guess stained glass/lead light is similar to mosaics. My mother leadlights and tried to teach me. I think it is harder. I was worried about cutting my finger off. Not that I haven’t cut my fingers endless time with the tile nipper, but usually the finger stays attached to the hand. 🙂
      I think I do want the woman to look sad. I hope she still looks sad by the time I have drawn her again on the tile backing board. Time will tell.

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  8. I’ve always wanted to work with mosaics. You are very talented, Tracy. Drawing, mosaics, photography! I like how one of your photographs is the inspiration for a mosaic.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much, Patti. You’re very kind.
      You’re very talented too. I love your photos. I don’t always leave a comment though because otherwise all the LA hosts would have a full-time job responding to comments. 🙂 However, please know that I am in awe of you all.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you so much!! You made me feel wonderful!! I am learning so much by leading the challenges. They are making me step up and learn things I need and want to learn. It’s been a great experience. Thank you again.

        Liked by 1 person

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