Our big community park day event is over. Our team worked so hard on the event. I didn’t take a single photo. We had quite a few kids show up. They really got into fishing out the water bugs, insect hunting and planting (plants, not insects). I gave a little speech. I have a phobia about public speaking so consequently I remember nothing of what I said. I think I may have said something about birds or plants …. Who doesn’t love wildflowers?

No need for further Saturday house inspections. My son has found a small house and will be moving in shortly. Apparently the seller preferred to sell to a first-home buyer rather than an investor. There are still some kind people in this world. We are so excited for our son. The house is lovely. I think he will be very happy there. It is within walking distance so there are plans for the dogs to visit regularly and perhaps stay over for a few days at a time …. My son remained super calm through the whole stressful process.

Announcement to Shoppers. I went to the local hardware store. There was a public announcement in store asking shoppers not to be rude or aggressive to staff. It seems rudeness and aggression is a thing now. People are mostly kind to our park volunteers but not all. Those unkind people must be so miserable.

Strange Weather. It rained for a few days so we didn’t get to see the Southern Aurora. We are still waiting for the first frost of the year.

I am so proud of everyone who made our park day such a success. I am so proud of our park. I am so proud of my son – his kindness and calmness. He was an exemplary buyer. Kindness makes the world a better place. The sun has returned. We may get a frost soon.

Take care, everyone.

Kind Regards.

42 thoughts on “Reflections on May

  1. Nice to hear that your son’s house hunt has ended successfully. The issue with investors buying everything up, and drestroying the housing market is something we are experiencing here as well. I must get at least three offers a week. I had to tell one jerk to get off property of not so nice things might happen.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Apparently Australia has the most generous tax concessions in the world for property investors. From the sound of your situation, it doesn’t seem that such incentives are necessary to attract investors. How awful that the jerks keep hassling you. You must be over it, Lou.

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      1. It has to come crashing down soon. It’s a bubble and just like about twenty years ago the bubble will burst ans many will be “underwater” with huge mortgages on property that has a lower value than before the bubble burst. Last time in the US people just walked away from their loans, and the banks begged for the government to save them.

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  2. Wonderful news all round Tracy 💚 So glad the community park event went so well and many congratulations to your son for buying his first house from such a kind seller – we wish him many happy years ahead! 🍀💫

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  3. Nice to hear your community park day was full of happy children exploring! I’m not surprised that your son is full of kindness, after all he is your son! Congratulations on his home purchase and how nice that he is close enough to visit on foot.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Heather. I was actually thinking how unlike me my son is. I am not kind or patient like him at all. I really admire how he conducted himself. The whole,e family might get fitter walking to and fro each other’s house. Also, he will still be close enough to help with plant ID at our park.

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  4. Thank you for this update, Tracy! It’s so good to hear that the park event went well, and your son has found a house he’s happy with. Within walking distance of your place is even better!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Happy that the park event went well, and very happy that your son found a house. Such a grown-up purchase to make!

    An announcement to be kind…what has become of us? Here we have people badmouthing store staff because we can do self-checkout and people don’t think it’s their job to bag their own groceries. Then get out of line and let me ahead of you! I have no problem checking out my own purchases. People need to get over themselves.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Lois. It really is a very big deal for him. He’s so grown up and as is such a lovely person too.
      I am convinced that people’s brains have been damaged by Covid. The scientific literature appears to back this up. There seems to be many more people spoiling for a fight.

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  6. I love this post — the kindness thing. It’s very sad but it’s not something people can expect from each other. I was out getting the mail and a young cowboy pulled up in his truck to tell me his puppy had run away. I don’t think he expected what he got. Anyway, I got information so I could alert the local shelter and the local lost animal facebook page on his behalf. I’m pretty sure that puppy got in the alley and was terrified by my dogs. I’m very very happy your event went well. I also have a terror of public speaking and godnose how I became a teacher. You just never know.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I hope the young man that stopped you to ask about his lost pup, pays forward your kindness one day, Martha.
      Teaching sounds like a strange career for someone with a public speaking anxiety. I think it helps when you can speak about something you really love to people who are really interested. 😊


  7. It was such a positive sign that your son was successful in his housing hunt, but more impressive that the seller wanted to sell to a first home buyer.

    I thought COVID has a positive effect on community kindness and good manners, but it seems to be waning now everyone has got back to ‘normal’ life.

    I wish there were more volunteers in environmental issues and that I had the health to contribute. Every single person makes a difference. I have lots of volunteer groups in my area, especially the nature reserves and parkland. After my area of the Maribyrnong River was flooded in 2022 and swept away all the new seedlings, within 2 days of all the flood receding, all the new seedlings were replanted up and down river on the 400 hectares of parkland. No doubt by many volunteers as well as Parks Victoria and the local landcare groups (or whoever manages the area).

    I have the time, but not the physical ability. I can no longer squat, kneel or sit on the ground/floor due to the nerve damage in my right leg. It’s a juggling act just to get out of bed and get dressed. I used to say ‘if there’s a will, there’s a way’, but not anymore. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I have encountered some fairly unpleasant behaviour of late, Vicki, so perhaps my view on “normal” is overly pessimistic.
      However the environmental volunteers are great. They are so supportive and helpful. We all learn together. What an amazing effort from the parkcare volunteers to replant your park’s river bank after the floods! You provide moral support and appreciate their work. That counts a lot.
      I am so sorry that you can’t get comfortable. I am so grateful that you continue to contribute to the conversations here.


  8. What wonderful news! Congratulations on your son’s buy. He is a proud house owner now. That he will be in the vicinity is such a blessing. Good to know your community park day had kids showing up and helping.
    Kindness is very underrated and that is why it is in short supply.

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  9. This is wonderful news Tracy! I’m happy that your son found a house close to you and that your event went so well. Children bring so much joy, and it sounds like your Community Park Day brought out that joy. Hope to hear from you again soon.

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  10. I’m so pleased for your son – and for you. Less pleased to know that being rude and unpleasant to shop workers, receptionists, volunteers etc. is a as prevalent in Australia as it now is in the UK. What a world, eh?

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  11. I’m so happy for your son! We have the same problem in the States: people buying starter houses for investments crowding out those people who actually need a starter house. I don’t understand why it can’t be limited, but I guess it can’t!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It is very exciting, Anne. My son chose well.
      The investor frenzy is not great for society. We had a government treasurer who said the solution to the problem was to get a better job. Our teachers and health care workers were not impressed with that response!

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  12. No pictures needed for me, personally! Your words say it all – even if I may fill in with images from ‘my world’ where, the lilacs and plum tree blossoms survived the ‘freeze warning’ forecast, as, here, we walk towards ‘last frost’ date, all while you walk towards ‘first frost’.

    That said, my son negotiated better renewal of rent lease after new management company hired for the investor/company that owns the complex he lives in. Took him 3-4 months of checking in, being kind and patient with front line staffs, but, for now, until he knows more about promotion, where stationed, it worked! Ah – how he yearns for his own place, but is so cautious about all moving pieces on the board, affordability, life style/location deep desires of his, etc.

    So congrats – all the way around! Signed by – One From a hemisphere, time zone and ocean away where still, on many fronts – the daily gifts and challenges are rather shared/known to many – eh?

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, TJ. Yes, the desire for secure shelter is part of the human condition. I wish your son well and hope the stability that a new lease gives him will enable him to confidently pursue his other goals.
      Our first frost arrived two days ago. I love frosty nights. They usually bring bright sunny days. Perhaps this signals late frosts are also behind you?

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      1. Thinking maybe so, on late frosts being ‘behind’ – last forecasted ‘freeze warning’ didn’t kill the lilac buds or plum tree blossoms, so, um, forecast, for us, here, on my little slice of ‘heaven on earth’ survived dire warnings – we – shall see – most likely will only know for sure, come mid June or so!

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