About this time last year, my niggling concerns about the health of my little dog, Ama, were vindicated.  I knew my girl and I knew the Finnish Spitz breed, so I knew there was something wrong.  I think we should trust our instincts.

This past year has been very stressful.  After a battery of tests and many vet visits, Ama was diagnosed with copper storage disease and inflammatory bowel disease.  This has necessitated the use of some very potent medications which have nasty side-effects.  Also, I’ve had to cook every single meal for her and do this three times a day!!!!!  What?  I can’t cook.  I have learned to (1) cook, and (2) cook her food in bulk.  It just goes to show that even we organisationally-challenged types can learn to be more efficient.

Personally, I think a possible allergy to chicken might be part of her problem.  But what would I know.  You may be interested to know — or maybe not, but I am going to tell you anyway because it has been weighing on my conscience — that her sole source of meat-based protein is New Zealand white fish, particularly ling.  I apologise to my New Zealand readers, as Ama’s nutritional needs must be a significant contributor to over-fishing in NZ waters.

It is fortunate that I am retired, because I’m not sure how we would have provided the full-time care she requires.  On the bright side, Ama’s care has meant that my True Love and I have not been roving far as is our usual practice, and therefore have got to know our local nature spots much better.  This is a small but imperceptible win for the planet.  On the other hand, I’ve not really had time to look after myself.  Also, my house smells like a fishmongers.

The biggest upside is that, finally, I can report that if the extra barking and her renewed vigour are anything to go by, Ama is now doing exceedingly well.  Thanks for asking.  She has almost returned to her obnoxious, but winsome, self.  So I am very happy.  Very happy.  Except when Ama walks on my face at daybreak because (in dog) “Tracy, Tracy, Tracy.  It is tablet and breakfast time.”


Now able to sleep more comfortably (while not vomiting).

So good news!

Kind Regards.



44 thoughts on “All My Trials – Ama Barks Again

  1. Tracy–I am so glad she is feeling better. I honestly did not know that dogs could get IBS–I thought that was just people thing. And you’ve become quite the cook, eh? Was gonna joke about teaching an old dog new tricks, but I’ll let Ama say that….. 😉 Love you, Tracy!

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    1. I’m thrilled that I can return to writing stories about what a little toad she is, Lois. Yes, dogs can get IBD. Cats too. Both copper storage disease and IBD are very difficult to treat. IBD diets are not low copper diets so it has been doubly difficult for us. I had to do all the research on low copper diets myself, but have recently joined a FB group that has confirmed I was on the right track.

      I wouldn’t say I’ve become quite the cook, but I have mastered the rice cooker and boiling fish, as well as one or two other interesting concoctions. Ama likes them. 🙂

      Love you back, Lois. ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m so glad Ama’s condition is improving. She’s so beautiful and obviously very loved. I doubt the Big T would learn to cook in order to provide me with a special diet 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Tracy so happy your beautiful dog is feeling better. They are unconditional in their devotion to us and they deserve our care and devotion to them. Lovely photograph!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Cats and dogs have such a ‘tail’ of animosity but we all need to set boundaries! I love dogs and cats but territorially, “ Catz not here!”

    Liked by 1 person

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