July — Winter.  Fade to red.

I am the first to admit that July almost always represents the winter of my soul (not discontent; that would be going too far).  At this time of year my mind tends to dwell on the negative and by some unconscious impulse, I dress in mourning.  This year my existential July crisis has been exacerbated by some serious hypoglycemia incidents that I have suffered, leaving me wondering each night whether this will be the time I don’t wake up in the morning.  So I often don’t go to bed.  That’s tiring and ineffective.  My little dog also requires a full-time carer.  (That’s another story.  Also tiring).

You know that feeling when you are so tired that you think it wouldn’t be so bad if you died but, at the same time, you want to cling on to dear life because your family, friends and animals need you?  It is a conundrum.  (My apologies, ladies and gentlemen, this is turning out rather more solemn than I expected.  Also, Martha Kennedy has written a blog like this recently.  Bear with me.)  By some other unconscious impulse, I seek sanctuary outdoors.  Made glorious by the sun and wind.  (Sorry.  I couldn’t resist).  What did I learn?

Fear and fatalism are potent partners.  (Very Shakespearean, don’t you think?)

They don’t call me a butcher bird for nothing – ©Reflections of An Untidy Mind

Warm coats temper the bitter winds.  So do friends.


Black absorbs the heat.

ants nest
Ants cover their nest with dark woody materials to absorb the heat of the sun.

Life may not be a walk in the park, but you can still walk (or swim) in the park.

Shadows hold treasures.

Boxes hold treasures.


A hint of red brightens the bleakest day.


©Reflections of An Untidy Mind (TL)

Spring is in a rush.


Stay calm.  Rest.


Little Pied Cormorant – ©Reflections of An Untidy Mind


This is my response to The Changing Seasons monthly photo challenge hosted by Su Leslie of Zimmerbitch, the Lens-Artists Challenge — Taking A Break, and the Ragtag Daily PromptContinue.

Kind Regards.

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62 thoughts on “The Changing Seasons – July 2019

  1. Sorry you are experiencing challenges; winter does seem to exacerbate everything, yet you are still able to find light and colour…spring is on its way.

    Liked by 5 people

  2. Hope by now you’re feeling better Tracy. Winter does that to most of us. That’s one of the reasons we moved south some years ago. The heat can be pretty challenging but I’d always rather be too hot vs too cold. Hang in there, this too shall pass!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. “‘Bear with me’. Does that mean we are going to ‘straya, Martha?”
    “No, Bear. It’s an expression that means ‘be patient’.”
    “I’m always patient.”
    “That’s true, Bear.”
    “Do you think I could cheer up Tracy?”
    “She has some wonderful dogs, Bear.”
    “But maybe they don’t love winter. I could go with her out to the big empty and we could cheer ourselves up looking at a colorless, desolate landscape.”
    I laugh at my dog. “Bear, sweet thing, , first you can’t see colors much anyway, and, second, a desolate landscape doesn’t have the same effect on everyone.”
    “Winter doesn’t make us sad, does it?”
    “No, but we’re a little different, I think.”
    “Tracy is going to be OK?”
    “I am sure of it. She’s a smart strong woman who knows to turn to nature’s beauty when it’s dark inside her. Tracy went outside and saw many beautiful things and cheered up. She knows what to do.”
    “OK, then. I’ll stop worrying. Are we going for a walk today?”
    “Later. I have to ride the bike to nowhere first.”

    Liked by 6 people

  4. Tracy your photographs are a tonic! In the depths of winter I like to read “The Darkling Thrush” by Thomas Hardy, English poet. Written 1899/1900 at the turn of the century.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Beautifully lyrical post Tracy; and your photos are lovely.
    I hope you can continue to find joy and comfort in the small things until spring brings a warmer change.

    Liked by 3 people

      1. Yes, I know…health issues are beyond our control! You are welcome. But you can’t usurp my position as a writer of bad poetry!! Just because you all are nice, doesn’t fool me for a second! 😉

        Liked by 1 person

  6. Nice catches of nature in winter, they must also be battling this coldness and roughness, but they use their wisdom and await for spring coming, which is approaching! I would imagine that how hard for you to spend July or winter every year. The other day, I found an old and big oak tree in my local taking buds in its big naked branches. It was a bit cold wind day, but it made me warm as it told me the hint of spring. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Makiko. All the animals are telling me that spring will be here soon. Your oak tree is waking up too. 🙂
      Makiko, I just wanted to let you know that I seem to be unable to comment on your posts. I’ve tried. My comments may be going to spam or just completely disappearing. I am not ignoring your lovely pictures.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. I relish the bright spots of colour you’ve found. That beautiful red and blue parrot against the grey, the pink new leaves and the bright little (robin?). And not so colourful – but that fluffy little cormorant is the cutest little cormorant I’ve ever set eyes on! I admire your courage and perserverance, you’ve inspired me. We’ve got quite deep snow all around our cottage now and the power’s been out for much of the day in our region. Why can’t ‘they’ keep essential services going – it’s just a normal working day! Anyway, power is back on and I’ve been able to enjoy your wonderful post – thanks for getting the shots and posting!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I’m sorry it’s been tough on you lately. Sometimes when you are that tired, you really do just need to rest and surround yourself with peaceful and cheerful things. It’s okay to take a break now and then, and sometimes that can be what is needed to restore your soul.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Hope you’re feeling better. The pics are wonderful. Being outside, even if rugged up, is the best! Yes, spring has arrived early here too. My snowdrops bloomed two weeks earlier than they do.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Amazing photos. I’ve just joined Su’s Changing Seasons Challenge so I’m having a look around at the other participants. Sorry July was a hard and exhausting month. I hope August brings brighter days. Hugs from Thailand.

    Liked by 2 people

  11. I’m so sorry to hear about all your troubles, Tracy, that must be terrifying not to dare to sleep. 😯 I hope you’re feeling better and am happy to read that you did some mosaicing. ☺
    Your photos and therapy (going out and enjoy nature) are fabulous! The splashes of red are so lovely especially in the birds – the red breasted robin is beyond cute and beautiful! And those graceful arcs of the cormoran’s wings – perfection!
    I’m not a big fan of winter either and don’t look forward to it but notice that I can’t change a thing about it. 😉 Looking forward to your August recap!

    Liked by 1 person

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