Day 10 — Share Your Music: 30 Days, 30 Songs.

One of my favourite songs as a child was the Ugly Bug Ball sung by Ronnie Hilton.  It is on my Parade of Disney Hits album that was produced by Axis Records for EMI.  That album also has Ronnie Hilton singing Thomas O’Malley Cat.  Another favourite.


Yes, I still have the album but we had to go hunting for it.  (That is the Royal We.  He was not amused.)  Almost everything ever produced is available on that YouTube these days, but not this song.  I’ve given you all the information in case you want to race out and buy the album from that popular online sales site (you’ll know the one).  I checked and there is a copy still available for AU$15.  Totally worth it if you still have a record player.


All that I could manage to dig up for today’s post is the Burl Ives version.  It is still fun and definitely worth a listen.

Sarah at Art Expedition is hosting 30 Days, 30 Songs for the month of June. You can see her latest post here.  It is not too late to join in the challenge.  Casual players welcome.

To change the tone, I think I may have a couple of protest songs coming up in the following days.

Kind Regards.


18 thoughts on “Insects Dancing Or Something

  1. What a fun song! I haven’t heard this one before but adore it! 😄 The lyrics are so cute and made me smile all the time. Thanks for this delightful piece of music!

    P.S. I’ve done some serious CD hunting as well in the past days.😉

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  2. Insects dancing or something – laughing so loudly, you can probably hear me.

    Burl Ives had a lot of fun with music. I often used music to inspire my youngest artists, and they loved Mr. Ives. He has a warm voice. You want to listen and sing along. My kindergarten kids created their first sculptures to his version of The Marvelous Toy – “It went zip when it moved, and bop when it stopped.” So much fun to watch many of the little artists dancing while they worked. And singing along.

    We still own about 400 vinyls, many of which aren’t available in CD – yes, I still occasionally buy CDs from that same behemoth company you use.

    Liked by 2 people

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