This is my response to the Ragtag Daily Prompt — Sobriquet.

I learnt a new word today.  Sobriquet means nickname.  I’ve seen it before while reading but I’ve always been too lazy to look it up.  Now I know.

I’ve been inspired by another Ragtag contributor, Katherine from Wanderlust and Wonderment.  Katherine’s nickname is Katy.  See her post here.  When I saw her post, I immediately thought of the Missouri-Kansas-Texas Railroad (MKT).  Wikipedia, the font of all knowledge, tells us that in its earliest days the MKT was commonly referred to as “the K-T”, and that this common designation soon evolved into “the Katy“.  How do I know about “the Katy”?  Because I am a big fan of the Blues Brothers, who did a famous cover of the 1968 blues classic, She Caught the Katy, written by Taj Mahal and James Rachell.

Check it out.

I still don’t know where my commas and full-stops are meant to go when using inverted commas.  So if I’ve stuffed up, please feel free to correct me.






12 thoughts on “She Caught the Katy

      1. Members of the university wine society (many years ago) who got very annoyed at my flatmates and I turning up at a tasting all dressed as Jake / Elwood. Apparently wine tasting is serious business.


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