WordPress Weekly Photo Challenge  —  Lines

This is the sort of photo challenge that you could really get carried away with, isn’t it?  Lines are my life.  Get it?  Lifelines (groan).

Most life needs light.  Here the light has arranged itself on this plant to produce beautiful lifelines.  Nature and light restores.plant2

But sometimes life can be a little vertiginous.  Reflect on the past, but don’t dwell there.  Just keep going.walkway2

Meet those hard-edges head on.  They give you resilience.  You’ll soon turn the corner.gutter

If you worry, it can turn you grey and leave worry-lines.forehead

We may end up a bit disheveled but smile on, because when you smile, the whole world smiles with you.drawing

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25 thoughts on “Linear Dreamings

    1. Thanks Jane. The plant is at the ANBG. I think it is still there, but much bigger than when that photo was taken. And yes, that is my drawing but not of my dog., although there is a similarity. I wonder if I unconsciously make my dog drawings look like my own dogs.

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