WordPress Weekly Photo Challenge  — Smile

The WordPress Weekly Photo Challenge asks us to show a smile (ours or someone else’s), or a photo which makes others smile, or both.  We can also share a photo of something that has brought a moment of joy into our lives recently, or that focuses on the outcome of that joy.  Here are some photos of festive bollards that make me smile.

These bollards have to get their gear on before they are allowed to participate in the National Folk Festival at Canberra.  I’m awed by the amount of work that has gone into creating these works of art.  They are very cheery, don’t you think?  Which is your favourite?  (Note:  Strictly no (boy) dogs allowed in the Festival precinct.)





And just in case you think I am a bit obsessive about all matters relating to the Nash, here is one of my own pieces of art that makes me smile.  I also get as much joy in the production process (and sometimes a headache too).


If you are interested in seeing some of my other posts on the National Folk Festival (the Nash), see here: –

Stand And Deliver
Beam Me Up Folkie
Sounds of Zen – A Parody
Coffee Don’t Leave Me This Way


Comments welcome.  Can’t find the Comments Section?  Keep scrolling.

16 thoughts on “Bollards Are Not a Smiling Matter, Unless…

  1. There are such clever people around. I’ve done a fair bit of knitting and crochet in my life, but wouldn’t have a clue how to begin one of those bollard outfits. And your mosaic is delightful too, Tracy.

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  2. They must be the world’s cheeriest bollards. I did notice them and smile, but I neglected to give them my full attention because there was so much else going on. They really do embody the spirit of the Folk Festival, a collective lightness and effort. I love your bird mosaic too.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Diana. The little jewels reveal themselves slowly in moments of quietness. That’s why I like to go for the four days.

      And thank you for the compliment on the mosaic. It now lives in Victoria.

      I must go and water the garden now. It is so hot! And I’ve also started another little bird mosaic. Time flies when you are having fun.


  3. I can’t decide which one I love best! But, the gum nuts and bath bath does it for me!

    Being a bird watcher, I feel you really capture movement in your mosiacs. That is talent!

    Liked by 1 person

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