A small poem written in support of the Ragtag Daily Prompt team who are continuing to provide prompts over the Christmas/New Year period.

Jusqu’à Demain

la belle rose charmante
deliciously resplendent
perfumes the air
from faded glory life
petals without thorns


I wish all my Readers who celebrate Christmas, a very happy day tomorrow.

Kind Regards

Response to the Ragtag Daily PromptResplendent.


28 thoughts on “Until Tomorrow

      1. Actually I’m not feeling all that well today, Su. Perhaps because I’ve been outdoors the last two days trying to get a little more of my mosaic done before It gets really hot today and tomorrow. Or maybe it was because I ate that croissant on Christmas Day, and my feet and belly have blown up to twice their normal size, and I’ve been standing on my swollen feet for two days. My body really does not react well to gluten. Aren’t you glad you asked? 🙂


      2. I’m glad you didn’t just say “I’m fine.”
        My son’s partner is gluten intolerant and I see how badly she suffers, so I do really sympathise. And I get wanting to complete (or at least work on) projects, even when you’re in pain.
        I hope that you begin to feel better soon.

        Liked by 1 person

  1. I liked your poem very much, Tracy, it’s perfect to accompany the photo. It was a perfect summer’s day here, just a tiny bit hot. The heat is working its way up. Stay cool!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Jane, thank you for the compliment. The rose spoke to me. 🙂 By the way, it may interest you that that particular rose is one from the rose gardens at Old Parliament House. They got rid of quite a few diseased and sickly roses many years ago. A friend was lucky enough to score one and she gave it to us when she had to move and couldn’t take it with her. We don’t do anything with it apart from feed it coffee grounds. It has been going strong for years.

      I’ve just ventured inside for a cool drink. It is very hot today.


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